Our vision is to inspire futures,

enabling positive, and

lasting change.

The Foundation strives to pinpoint charitable organisations with clear objectives, a passionate commitment to creating positive change, and a close alignment with our mission and principles.

Our assistance goes beyond mere endorsement; we actively leverage the expertise and experiences of our board members to aid the charities we endorse.

In evaluating organisations, our main focus lies in assessing their vision and potential impact. We don’t linger on deficiencies in capacity, skills, or capability, as our goal is to address and overcome these through our sustained, long-term support.

Founded with a

passion to create

meaningful change.

Sheargold expanded its social commitment with Michael and Lauren Sheargold committing to establish the Sheargold Foundation in 2013, when they were in their mid-20s, with the aim of making a significant impact on Australian communities.

They especially wanted to encourage young people to give back, demonstrating that you don’t have to wait until later in life to help those in need. At the time, they became the youngest couple in Australia to set up a Private Ancillary Fund, which is a charitable trust.

Lauren and Michael believe in the power of education, knowledge, positive mental health and wellbeing in transforming the lives of individuals and the communities they live in. This mission continues to drive Sheargold Foundation today.

Sheargold Foundation



Sheargold Foundation was founded out of a passion to create meaningful change in our community. The foundation was registered as a Private Ancillary Fund with the AICN, to enable Michael and Lauren Sheargold to start their granting journey in a structured and meaningful way.


The Sheargold Foundation board was established. We are grateful for our board members who have come along this journey with us since the inception and believe wholeheartedly in the work we do.


The Sheargold Foundation direction was set. To support and assist charitable organisations working in the areas of education, welfare, health, and wellbeing.


First grants are made to Delta Dogs and The Social Outfit, both undertaking incredible work in our community.


Our first co-funding project. Several PAFS combined grants, time, and resources to support the ‘Upper Hunter Positive Education Hub’ pilot project to support, invest and research the implementation of positive education on 21 schools over three years. The research data was also shared with the Australian Government, to support change within the education and mental health areas.


Our first international Primary School Library was established. Sheargold Foundation, in collaboration with Room to Read, and the local Vietnamese community successfully launched our first Library at Tan Lien Primary School in Lang Son province in far northern Vietnam. This library continues to flourish today, proving access to books to over 280 students.


We partnered with Story Factory to support the opening of the new creative writing centre in Parramatta.


We continued to expand the number of organisations and scale of projects supported within the education and mental health space. This also meant pivoting the way projects were being undertaken during the COVID lockdowns so the charitable organisations could still provide vital support to the community.


The Sheargold Foundation undertook a new way of providing support to the community. Funding and support were provided for a local school to be able to make Easter bags and heart felt cards to be given out to those experiencing homelessness. This ‘Act of Kindness’ had an incredible impact on those who received the Easter bags and letters, but also to those students and teachers, who could see the positive impact their actions had on others. This sparked a passion to want to keep giving back and helping others.


We created a greater synergy between Sheargold Foundation and Sheargold Corporate by introducing the ‘Staff Grant’. Staff have the opportunity to nominate organisations they feel personally connected to or they feel are a meaningful not-for-profit organisation to support within our community.


We celebrated 10 years of Sheargold Foundation giving back to our community.

Our board.

Lauren Sheargold

CEO & Co-Founder

Michael Sheargold

Chair & Co-Founder

Steve Benton


Daniel Appleby
